Embodi Massage Therapy

When we rest deeply in capable hands, muscle and connective tissues are more easily able to release to optimal length, and healing begins. Having completed over twenty thousand individual massage therapy sessions, Susan brings the safe touch you need for your important work together. Comfort and care await you.

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration

Imagine having the ability to move with flexibility while enjoying maximum strength. Imagine your body at ease and free of everyday aches and pains. Trained in the acclaimed Anatomy Trains Structural Integration method with founder Thomas Myers, Susan offers a proven 12-session advanced bodywork program to you for a comprehensive head-to-toe soft tissue realignment.

That Is How We Roll: EmbodiBall Therapy Ball Classes

A ball is just a toy until it's a tool. Body rolling is super helpful for pain and stiffness, or to enhance your yoga practice. How do we roll? We roll by going deeper. We roll by owning our bodies. We roll by breathing, resting, and releasing. We roll with DIY techniques to feel amazing every day. We roll in the knowledge that movement is medicine.

"Fundamental to this bodywork is a belief in the profound intelligence and wisdom inherent in every human being.”
